Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India's most ancient techniques of meditation. It was taught in India more than 2500 years ago as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art of Living. To those who are not familiar with Vipassana Meditation we recommend visiting the International Vipassana website for an introduction. Additionally you may be interested in our answers to commonly asked questions.
Vipassana Meditation is taught over the course of a 10-day retreat. To learn Vipassana Meditation one needs to develop one's own experience during a residential ten day course. Courses are run solely by voluntary donations for all individuals with a genuine interest in learning Vipassana Meditation and giving the technique a fair trial. If you would like to participate in a course, please read the Code of Discipline. You may then find a convenient date in the Course Schedule and submit an application.
Review the Course Checklist for items and instructions for your upcoming course. Several courses are held each year in Michigan. Meditation courses are also held frequently at Meditation Centers throughout North America and at several other non-center sites in and around the Midwest. Please consult these regional sites for schedule information.
Public talks about Vipassana Meditation and other events are periodically scheduled in SE Michigan to provide interested persons with information about the technique. Audio from public talks given by S. N. Goenka are available from
Vipassana Meditation as taught by S. N. Goenka was introduced to Southeast Michigan by his students in 2002. Meditation courses provide a supportive atmosphere where one can learn the practice of Vipassana meditation. This technique, discovered by Buddha twenty-five centuries ago, uses the breath and one's own body as the basis for developing concentration and insight. The courses provide a unique opportunity to direct one's attention inward, and set about a process of inner discovery through direct experience.
The Michigan Vipassana Association has a specific web site for those who have previously taken at least one 10-day meditation course at any one of the centers in this tradition. This site contains instructions on how to apply for Dhamma Service, archive material, and regional group sitting contacts.